How To Bunny Proof A Room

How to Bunny Proof a Room: A Guide

Bunnies are cute, fluffy animals that many people enjoy having in their homes. Yet, bunny ownership also comes with a lot of responsibility! You need to bunny proof your home to keep your bunny safe and happy. This guide will walk you through the process of bunny proofing a room! You can give your bunny the space they deserve while keeping them safe from harm!

How To Bunny Proof A Room
How To Bunny Proof A Room

10 Tips For Bunny Proofing A Room

Start by blocking the holes in your walls that they might use to escape. You can bunny-proof a room using a rabbit-proof wire cover or mesh netting, or aluminum foil over all openings around doors and windows. 

The key here is to make sure nothing fits snuggly. Make sure it’s impossible for your rabbits to get their head through, but that it doesn’t completely block airflow either!

Put covers on any electrical outlets within their reach! The cap stops them from damaging your appliances or being electrocuted. 

Bunny proofing baseboards is also essential. You can protect your baseboards by covering them with plastic guards. 2x4s or furring strips are also good options to use. You can find these bunny-proofing supplies at your local hardware store.

Try blocking off any areas that are too tall for them to jump onto. A bunny cannot jump higher than around three feet, so anything past this height is inaccessible to your bunny without some human help.

Ensure that there aren’t any poisonous plants within their reach!

Look for any food within your rabbit’s reach! Clear it away, so there isn’t anything tempting to munch on! You can also bunny-proof a room using chew toys. Or, give them hay-filled boxes/toys for them to play with instead of your furniture and flooring.

Bunny proof wires in the back of bookshelves! Remove loose cords from their reach. Unplug appliances whenever you’re unable to keep an eye out. Clear away any loose paper or objects used as nesting material. 

Create an area for them to use their litter box so you know exactly where they’re going when nature calls. Choose an area for the litter box where there’s nothing that can be broken while they hop around!

Make sure there aren’t any opportunities for them to chew on anything that’s not food-related! If you catch them chewing on something, take it away! Replace it with a safe option like wood chews or cardboard rolls from paper towel/toilet paper. Not actual toilet paper as some bunnies will eat this).

Outside, you can use deterrents like sprays or something stronger to deter them from going into specific areas around your house. You can also use bitter apple spray, mix cayenne pepper with water and spray it on surfaces they go near to deter them from chewing that area again!

Keep any plastic bags out of reach as these are poisonous when ingested (and will lead to death if not treated immediately).

Ensure there is an area they can go to if they feel threatened or need time away from people. Try creating a quiet space somewhere in your home with some soft bedding for them to sit/sleep on!

5 Must Have Bunny Proofing Supplies

Wire Covers and Flex Tubing: Wire Covers and Flex Tubing can be used to cover cords, wires, and outlets. They make it impossible for a bunny to chew through the wire, but they also protect your bunny from chewing on the cord or outlet itself!

Baseboard Protection: Put down plastic sheeting over your baseboards. You can get a roll at any home improvement store for under $20, and it will last for a long time. 

Bunny Gates: These are a must-have if you have an open concept room or entryway. These gates allow your bunnies the freedom to come and go as they please without allowing them access to dangerous rooms such as kitchens/bathrooms. Or, you could use a playpen for your bunny to keep it in one area.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, bunny proofing a room is something you need to do if you want your pet bunny to stay safe and be happy. By making sure that there is nothing within their reach that could harm them or anything, they can chew on, the process of bunny proofing a room ensures an environment where both humans and bunnies are safe!

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